A short blogpost by Simon Griffith about the recent article by Loning et al on the use of social hotspots by zebra finches.
A new paper by Bernd Meyburg and Daniel Holte shows that adult ospreys demonstrate high fidelity to migratory paths in autumn and spring, as well as to the timing of migration in autumn; and sidewinds are predominantly compensated, especially when sidewinds are strong.
In this study we challenged the widespread view that tropical seabirds forage more unpredictably than temperate and polar species, and we tested the hypothesis that the foraging behaviour of a species...
The elusive and secretive habits of water rails make them challenging for ecologists to follow. Until recently, little was therefore known about movements in the species. In the current study, modern tracking technology proved...
House finches in Mexico City break down cigarette butts and use them to line their nests. This may be a response to tick infestation, as these blood sucking parasites are repelled by substances such as the nicotine contained in the discarded butts, but can we be certain?
Studies from mammalian systems have highlighted an important role of the gut microbiota in regulating host digestion, metabolism, and immune function; however the makeup and impacts of gut microbiota in avian gastrointestinal tracts is poorly known.
Few recent technologies have been embraced by the ornithological community as rapidly as solar geolocation tracking devices. Although the first and rather large ‘geolocators’ became available more than two decades ago, with their recent miniaturization...
Diagnosing in-flight adjustment to wind by birds is challenging, since they may follow landmarks, take detours, soar in thermals or become wind drifted. Gulls are noted opportunists and flight generalists...
Body temperature is a key physiological property of any animals, and its measurement is thus a valuable tool in ecological and physiological studies. In birds, variation in body temperaturer has been related to a range of parameters...
Like the rainbow shimmer on a soap bubble, the blue color of this male tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) feather is iridescent. Light reaching the feather is reflected by its microstructure like a myriad of small mirrors, making it look very bright...