
Prey size affects global distribution of the golden eagle

In this study we show that the availability of optimal-sized prey (between 0.5-5 kg) is a crucial driver of foraging behaviour, breeding success and distribution patterns of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos L. on a continental scale.

Spring phenology and timing of breeding in short-distance migrant birds

In this impressive long-term study the authors explore if common goldeneyes can track environmental cues and adjust their breeding in response to a changing climate. At their study site in Finland the ice-out date has advanced with 2 weeks during their 24 yr study...

Regional and seasonal flight speeds of soaring migrants and the role of weather

A big challenge for migration ecologists is to resolve how environmental conditions along the migration routes of birds affect their migration timing and individual fitness. Read the authors own story behind this recent Open Access paper...

Density-dependent effects on nesting success of temperate-breeding Canada geese

Canada geese nesting in suburban environments are often considered a nuisance. However, their demographic expansion and ease of study offer the opportunity to examine important ecological processes. In this study, the authors conclude that both negative...

Irruptive movements and breeding dispersal of snowy owls

Tracking snowy owls has been (and still is) a great challenge. The fact that those birds are highly mobile, that they show almost no breeding site fidelity and disperse over huge distances from one year to another yet increases the challenge. The use of satellite...

South temperate birds have higher apparent adult survival than tropical birds in Africa

In the low vegetation of a nature reserve surrounding a nuclear power station on the south-west coast of South Africa, a community of passerine birds breeds at an extraordinarily high density. With up to 1,640 nests monitored and 1,255 birds banded each year...

Endozoochory largely outweighs epizoochory in migrating passerines

Migrating birds give seeds the opportunity of a lifetime: a journey they will never forget! But what’s the best way to hitchhike? In the comfort of the gut or feeling the wind on your seed coat? Find out more...

Parent–environmental interactions shape acoustic signatures in tree swallows

Acoustic signatures are common components of avian vocalizations and are important for the recognition of individuals and groups. In this study the authors investigate whether acoustic brood signatures are attributed to the genetic/maternal origins or to their rearing...


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