Hello there... Theresa Burg!
Submitted by Michi on 22 January 2025.

Meet Theresa Burg, JAB subject editor with expertise in population genetics, molecular ecology and phylogeography. Read the short interview with Theresa below and learn about her current research projects and about her experience being on the JAB review award committee.
You are a professor at the University of Lethbridge in Canada and much of your research focuses on the genetics underlying population structure, matings systems, hybridization systematics. What are you working on right now?
We have a number of ongoing projects looking at population structure in either songbirds (flycatchers, swallows, wrens) or seabirds (penguins, albatross, gulls). Most focus on rangewide patterns, but one on house wrens is looking at the effects of urbanization on gene flow within a couple of cities in Alberta.
You are part of the evaluation committee for the JAB review award. What was your experience reading and evaluating the mini-reviews?
It was a great experience and a wonderful opportunity for students. They were all very well done and I enjoyed learning about research that is outside my area.
Enough about work - what do you enjoy doing most in your spare time?
I crochet amigurumi toys-not surprisingly mostly animals. I also enjoy photography and, in the summer, gardening in my backyard.
What are you looking most forward to over the next year (personally or professionally)?
I’m looking forward to spending more time on research. We have a few new projects that are starting which should be really interesting as well as some really cool ones that are finishing.