Appendices (prior to 2021)

Files are sorted according to reference number and year. Please use the search function to find the appendix you are looking for. Wildcards (*) are accepted.

Newer appendices, from 2021 onwards, are available together with the articles at Wiley Online Library.

Article number Year Descriptionsort ascending Documents
JAV-01609 2018

Kiat, Y. 2018. Divergent rectrix moult: the implications and conditions of moult sequence. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01609

JAV-00273 2014

Kentie, R., Both, C., Hooijmeijer, J. C. E. W. and Piersma, T. 2014. Age-dependent dispersal and habitat choice in black-tailed godwits Limosa limosa limosa across a mosaic of traditional and modern grassland habitats. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00273

JAV-01497 2017

Kendall, C. J., Rubenstein, D. I., Slater, P. L. and Monadjem, A. 2017. An assessment of tree availability as a possible cause of population declines in scavenging raptors. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01497

JAV-01453 2017

Kemp, R., Noakes, M. J. and McKechnie, A. E. 2017. Thermoregulation in free-ranging ground woodpeckers Geocolaptes olivaceus: no evidence of torpor. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01453

JAB5053 2010

Kemp, M. U., Shamoun-Baranes, J., van Gasteren, H., Bouten, W. and van Loon, E. E. 2010. Can wind explain seasonal differences in migration speed? – J. Avian Biol. 41: 672–677.

JAV-02404 2020

Kearns, A. M., Joseph, L., Austin, J. J., Driskell, A. C. and Omland, K. E. 2020. Complex mosaic of sexual dichromatism and monochromatism in Pacific robins results from both gains and losses of elaborate coloration. – J. Avian Biol. 2020: e02404

JAV-00413 2014

Karlsson, M., Julia Schroeder, J., Nakagawa, S., Smith, H. G., Burke, T. and Westerdahl, H. 2014. House sparrow Passer domesticus survival is not associated with MHC-I diversity, but possibly with specific MHC-I alleles. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00413

JAV-02300 2020

Kärkkäinen, T., Bize, P. and Stier, A. 2020. Correlation in telomere lengths between feathers and blood cells in pied flycatchers. – J. Avian Biol. 2020: e02300

JAV-01768 2018

Kangas, V.-M., Carrillo, J., Debray, P. and Kvist, L. 2018. Bottlenecks, remoteness and admixture shape genetic variation in island populations of Atlantic and Mediterranean common kestrels Falco tinnunculus. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01768

JAB4486 2008

Jønsson, K. A., Bowie, R. C. K., Moyle, R. G., Christidis, L., Filardi, C. E., Norman, J. A. and Fjeldså, J. 2008. Molecular phylogenetics and diversification within one of the most geographically variable bird species complexes Pachycephala pectoralis/melanura. – J. Avian Biol. 39: 473–478.

JAB5643 2012

Jovani, R., Schielzeth, H., Mavor, R. and Oro, D. 2012. Specificity of grouping behavior: comparing colony sizes for the same seabird species in distant populations. – J. Avian Biol. 43: 397–402.

JAB3767 2006

Joseph, L., Wilke, T., Ten Have, J. and Chesser, R. T. 2006. Implications of mitochondrial DNA polyphyly in two ecologically undifferentiated but morphologically distinct migratory birds, the masked and whithe-browed woodswallows Artamus spp. of inland Australia. – J. Avian Biol. 37: 625-636.

JAB5574 2012

Johnson, E. I., Stouffer, P. C. and Bierregaard, Jr, R. O. 2012. The phenology of molting, breeding and their overlap in central Amazonian birds. – J. Avian Biol. 43: 141–154.

JAV-02417 2020

Jimenez, A. G., Tobin, K. J., Anderson, K. N., McCann, M. E. and Briggs, C. W. 2020. Differences in oxidative stress across seasons and ability to cope with environmental mismatch in muscle and brain of black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus and rock pigeons Columba livia. – J. Avian Biol. 2020: e02417

JAV-00004 2013

Jeyasingham, W. S., Taylor, S. A., Zavalaga, C. B., Simeone, A. and Friesen, V. L. 2013. Specialization to cold-water upwellings may facilitate gene flow in seabirds: new evidence from the Peruvian pelican Pelecanus thagus (Pelecaniformes: Pelecanidae). – J. Avian Biol. 44: 297–304.

JAV-00700 2015

Jelínek, V., Požgayová, M., Honza, M. and Procházka, P. 2015. Nest as an extended phenotype signal of female quality in the great reed warbler. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00700

JAV-01643 2018

Jankowiak, Ł., Wysocki, D. and Cholewa, M. 2018. Survival costs of within- and between-season mate change in the European blackbird Turdus merula. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01643

JAV-01840 2018

Janas, K., Podmokła, E., Lutyk, D., Dubiec, A., Gustafsson, L., Cichoń, M. and Drobniak, S. 2018. Influence of haemosporidian infection status on structural and carotenoid-based colouration in the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01840

JAV-01778 2018

Izquierdo, L., Thomson, R. L., Aguirre, J. I., Díez- Fernández, A., Faivre, B., Figuerola, J. and IbáñezÁlamo, J. D. 2018. Factors associated with leucism in the common blackbird Turdus merula. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01778

JAV-01616 2017

Iwajomo, S. B., Willemoes, M., Ottosson, U., Strandberg, R. and Thorup, K. 2017. Intra-African movements of the African cuckoo Cuculus gularis as revealed by satellite telemetry. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01616

JAV-00698 2015

Ismail, A., Jacguin, L., Haussy, C., Perret, S. and Gasparini, J. 2015. Food availability modulates the effects of maternal antibodies on growth and immunity in young feral pigeons. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00698

JAV-00409 2014

Isaksson, C., Hanson, M. A. and Burdge, G. C. 2014. The effects of spatial and temporal ecological variation on fatty acid compositions of wild great tits Parus major. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00409

JAV-01723 2018

Indykiewicz, P., Podlaszczuk, P., Janiszewska, A. and Minias, P. 2018. Extensive gene flow along the urban–rural gradient in a migratory colonial bird. – Journal of Avian Biology doi: 
JAV-01885 2018

Illera, J. C., Rando, J. C., Rodriguez-Exposito, E., Hernández, M., Claramunt, S. and Martín, A. 2018. Acoustic, genetic, and morphological analysis of the Canarian common chaffinch complex Fringilla coelebs ssp. reveals a cryptic diversification process. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01885

JAB5023 2011

Ibarguchi, G., Gaston, A. J. and Friesen, V. L. 2011. Philopatry, Morphological divergence, and kin groups: structuring in thick-billed murres Uria lomvia within a colony in Arctic Canada. – J. Avian Biol. 42: 134-150.

JAV-01919 2018

Hsu, B.-Y., Doligez, B., Gustafsson, L. and Ruuskanen, S. 2018. Transient growth-enhancing effects of elevated maternal thyroid hormones at no apparent oxi-dative cost during early postnatal period. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01919

JAV-01172 2017

Hsu, B.-Y., Dijkstra, C. and Groothuis, T. G. G. 2017. Organizing effects of adverse early-life condition on body mass, compensatory growth and reproduction: experimental studies in rock pigeons. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01172

JAV-01387 2017

Hoy, S. R., Petty, S. J., Millon, A., Whitfield, D. P., Marquiss, M., Anderson, D. I. K., Davison, M. and Lambin, X. 2017. Density-dependent increase in superpredation linked to food limitation in a recovering

population of northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01387

JAV-00401 2014

Horreo, J. L., Alonso, J. C., Palacín, C. and Milá, B. 2014. Genetic structure in Iberian and Moroccan populations of the globally threatened great bustard Otis tarda: a microsatellite perspective. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00401

JAV-00866 2015

Hope, S. F., Stabile, F. A. and Butler, L. K. 2015. Urban living alters moult dynamics in a passerine. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00866

