Appendices (prior to 2021)
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Newer appendices, from 2021 onwards, are available together with the articles at Wiley Online Library.
Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
JAV-01666 | 2018 | Cantarero, A., Pilastro, A. and Griggio, M. 2018. Nestling sex ratio is associated with both male and female attractiveness in rock sparrows. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01666 | jav-01666.pdf |
JAV-01665 | 2018 | Al Rubaiee, Z., Al Murayati, H. and Møller, A. P. 2018. Arrival date and microorganisms in barn swallows. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01665 | jav-01665.pdf |
JAV-01661 | 2018 | Fjeldså, J., Ohlson, J. I., Batalha-Filho, H., Ericson, P. G. P. and Irestedt, M. 2018. Rapid expansion and diversification into new niche space by fluvicoline flycatchers. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01661 | jav-01661.pdf |
JAV-01659 | 2018 | Clark, R. G., Winkler, D. W., Dawson, R. D., Shutler, D., Hussell, D. J. T., Lombardo, M. P., Thorpe, P. A., Dunn, P. O. and Whittingham, L. A 2018. Geographic variation and environmental correlates of apparent survival rates in adult tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01659 | jav-01659.pdf |
JAV-01656 | 2018 | Ma, Y., Branfireun, B. A., Hobson, K. A. and Guglielmo, C. G. 2018. Evidence of negative seasonal carry-over effects of breeding ground mercury exposure on survival of migratory songbirds. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01656 | jav-01656.pdf |
JAV-01646 | 2018 | Sofaer, H. R., Sillett, T. S., Yoon, J., Power, M. L., Morrison, S. A. and Ghalambor, C. K. 2018. Offspring growth and mobility in response to variation in parental care: a comparison between populations. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01646 | |
JAV-01645 | 2018 | Mwangi, J., Ndithia, H. K., Kentie, R., Muchai, M. and Tieleman, I. 2018. Nest survival in year-round breeding tropical red-capped larks Calandrella cinerea increases with higher nest abundance but decreases with higher invertebrate availability and rainfall. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01645 | jav-01645.pdf |
JAV-01643 | 2018 | Jankowiak, Ł., Wysocki, D. and Cholewa, M. 2018. Survival costs of within- and between-season mate change in the European blackbird Turdus merula. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01643 | jav-01643.pdf |
JAV-01642 | 2018 | Corti, M., Romano, A., Costanzo, A., Bentz, A. B., Navara, K. J., Parolini, M., Saino, N. and Rubolini, D. 2018. Protoporphyrin-based eggshell pigmentation is associated with female plumage colouration and predicts offspring sex ratio in the barn swallow. – Journal of Avian Biology doi: 10.1111/jav.01642 | jav-01642.pdf |
JAV-01641 | 2017 | DeSimone, J. G., Clotfelter, E. D., Black, E. C. and Knutie, S. A. 2017. Avoidance, tolerance, and resistance to ectoparasites in nestling and adult tree swallows. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01641 | jav-01641.pdf |
JAV-01637 | 2018 | Diniz, P., da Silva Júnior, E. F., Webster, M. S. and Macedo, R. H. 2018. Duetting behavior in a Neotropical ovenbird: sexual and seasonal variation and adaptive signaling functions. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01637 | jav-01637.pdf |
JAV-01637 | 2018 | Negro, J. J., Figueroa-Luque, E. and Galván, I. 2018. Melanin-based sexual dichromatism in the Western Palearctic avifauna implies darker males and lighter females. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01657 | |
JAV-01633 | 2018 | Ferreira-Rodríguez, N. and Pardo, I. 2018. Biocontrol: the response of native oystercatchers to a non-native clam invasion. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01633 | |
JAV-01629 | 2018 | Buechley, E. R., Oppel, S., Beatty, W. S., Nikolov, S. C., Dobrev, V., Arkumarev, V., Saravia, V., Bougain, C., Bounas, A., Kret, E., Skartsi, T., Aktay, L., Aghababyan, K., Frehner, E. and Şekercioğlu, C. H. 2018. Identifying critical migratory bottlenecks and high-use areas for an endangered migratory soaring bird across three continents. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/ jav.01629 | jav-01629.pdf |
JAV-01620 | 2017 | Andreasson, F., Nord, A. and Nilsson, J.-Å. 2017. Experimentally increased nest temperature affects body temperature, growth and apparent survival in blue tit nestlings. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01620 | jav-01620.pdf |
JAV-01617 | 2018 | Atauchi, P. J., Peterson, A. T. and Flanagan, J. 2018. Species distribution models for Peruvian plantcutter improve with consideration of biotic interactions. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01617 | jav-01617.pdf |
JAV-01616 | 2017 | Iwajomo, S. B., Willemoes, M., Ottosson, U., Strandberg, R. and Thorup, K. 2017. Intra-African movements of the African cuckoo Cuculus gularis as revealed by satellite telemetry. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01616 | jav-01616.pdf |
JAV-01612 | 2017 | Song, G., Zhang, R., Alström, P., Irestedt, M., Cai, T., Qu, Y., Ericson, P. G. P., Fjeldså, J. and Lei, F. 2017. Complete taxon sampling of the avian genus Pica (magpies) reveals ancient relictual populations and synchronous Late-Pleistocene demographic expansion across the Northern Hemisphere. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01612 | |
JAV-01609 | 2018 | Kiat, Y. 2018. Divergent rectrix moult: the implications and conditions of moult sequence. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01609 | jav-01609.pdf |
JAV-01606 | 2018 | dos Santos, E. B., Llambías, P. E. and Rendall, D. 2018. Male song diversity and its relation to breeding success in southern house wrens Troglodytes aedon chilensis. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01606 | jav-01606.pdf |
JAV-01595 | 2017 | Klvaňa, P., Cepák, J., Munclinger, P., Michálková, R., Tomášek, O. and Albrecht, T. 2017. Around the Mediterranean: an extreme example of loop migration in a long-distance migratory passerine. – Journal of Avian Biology doi: 10.1111/jav.01595 | jav-01595.pdf |
JAV-01580 | 2017 | Matthews, A. E., Klimov, P. B., Proctor, H. C., Dowling, A. P. G., Diener, L., Hager, S. B., Larkin, J. L., Raybuck, D. W., Fiss, C. J., McNeil, D. J. and Boves, T. J. 2017. Cophylogenetic assessment of New World warblers (Parulidae) and their symbiotic feather mites (Proctophyllodidae). - J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01580 | jav-01580.pdf |
JAV-01579 | 2018 | Pardal, S., Alves, J. A., Mota, P. G. and Ramos, J. A. 2018. Dressed to impress: breeding plumage as a reliable signal of innate immunity. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01579 | jav-01579.pdf |
JAV-01570 | 2017 | Zhao, M., Christie, M., Coleman, J., Hassell, C., Gosbell, K., Lisovski, S., Minton, C. and Klaassen, M. 2017. Body size shapes inter-specific migratory behaviour: evidence from individual tracks of longdistance migratory shorebirds. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01570 | jav-01570.pdf |
JAV-01552 | 2017 | García-Navas, V., Rodríguez-Rey, M. and Christidis, L. 2017. Ecological opportunity and ecomorphological convergence in Australasian robins (Petroicidae). – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01552 | jav-01552.pdf |
JAV-01549 | 2018 | Chambon, R., Dugravot, S., Paillisson, J.-M., Lemesle, J.-C., Ysnel, F. and Gélinaud, G. 2018. Partial migration in inexperienced pied avocets Recurvirostra avosetta:distribution pattern and correlates. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01549 | jav-01549.pdf |
JAV-01547 | 2017 | Davis, S. K. 2017. Sprague’s pipit breeding biology and reproductive success in planted and native grasslands. – Journal of Avian Biology doi: 10.1111/jav.01547 | jav-01547.pdf |
JAV-01547 | 2021 | Stephen K. Davis. 2018. Sprague's pipit breeding biology and reproductive success in planted and native grasslands. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01547 | jav-01547.pdf |
JAV-01535 | 2017 | Sardà-Palomera, F., Bota, G., Padilla, N., Brotons, L. and Sardà, F. 2017. Unmanned aircraft systems to unravel spatial and temporal factors affecting dynamics of colony formation and nesting success in birds. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01535 | jav-01535.pdf |
JAV-01531 | 2017 | Weiser, E. L., Brown, S. C., Lanctot, R. B., Gates, H. R., Abraham, K. F., Bentzen, R. L., Bêty, J., Boldenow, M. L., Brook, R. W., Donnelly, T. F., English, W. B., Flemming, S. A., Franks, S. E., Gilchrist, H. G., Giroux, M. A., Johnson, A., Kennedy, L. V., Koloski, L., Kwon, E., Lamarre, J. F., Lank, D. B., Lecomte, N., Liebezeit, J. R., McKinnon, L., Nol, E., Perz, J., Rausch, J., Robards, M., Saalfeld, S. T., Senner, N. R., Smith, P. A., Soloviev, M., Solovyeva, D., Ward, D. H., Woodard, P. F. and Sandercock, B. K. 2017. Life-history tradeoffs revealed by seasonal declines in reproductive traits of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01531 | jav-01531.pdf |