Appendices (prior to 2021)
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Newer appendices, from 2021 onwards, are available together with the articles at Wiley Online Library.
Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
JAV-02483 | 2020 | de Moraes, P., Diniz, P. and Macedo, R. H. 2020. Sex-specific effects of predation risk on parental care in a sexually dichromatic Neotropical songbird. – J. Avian Biol. 2020: e02483 | |
JAV-02108 | 2019 | de Satgé, J., Strubbe, D., Elst, J., De Laet, J., Adriaensen, F. and Matthysen, E. 2019. Urbanisation lowers great tit Parus major breeding success at multiple spatial scales. – J. Avian Biol. 2019: e02108 | jav-02108.pdf |
JAV-01698 | 2018 | de Silva, T. N., Fernando, S. W., Robbins, M. B., Cooper, J. C., Fokam, E. B. and Peterson, A. T. 2018. Recognition of a new generic-level swallow taxon from central Africa. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01698 | jav-01698.pdf |
JAV-00364 | 2014 | DeGregorio, B. A., Chiavacci, S. J., Weatherhead, P. J., Willson, J. D., Benson, T. J. and Sperry, J. H. 2014. Snake predation on North American bird nests: culprits, patterns and future directions. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00364 | jav-00364.pdf |
JAV-02222 | 2019 | Delhey, K. 2019. Revealing the colourful side of birds: spatial distribution of conspicuous plumage colours on the body of Australian birds. – J. Avian Biol. 2019: e02222 | |
JAV-01641 | 2017 | DeSimone, J. G., Clotfelter, E. D., Black, E. C. and Knutie, S. A. 2017. Avoidance, tolerance, and resistance to ectoparasites in nestling and adult tree swallows. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01641 | jav-01641.pdf |
JAV-00693 | 2015 | Dhami, K. K., Joseph, L., Roshier, D. A. and Peters, J. L. 2015. Recent speciation and elevated Z-chromosome differentiation between sexually monochromatic and dichromatic species of Australian teals. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00693 | jav-00693.pdf |
JAB5826 | 2012 | Dhamil, K. K., Joseph, L., Roshier, D. A., Heinsohn, R. and Peters, J. L. 2012. Multilocus phylogeography of Australian teals (Anas spp.): a case study of the relationship between vagility and genetic structure. – J. Avian Biol. 43: 169–178. | jab5826.pdf |
JAV-01460 | 2017 | Diaz-Real, J., Kim, S.-Y. and Velando, A. 2017. Plumage colour and the expression of stress-related genes in gull chicks. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01460 | jav-01460.pdf |
JAV-01637 | 2018 | Diniz, P., da Silva Júnior, E. F., Webster, M. S. and Macedo, R. H. 2018. Duetting behavior in a Neotropical ovenbird: sexual and seasonal variation and adaptive signaling functions. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01637 | jav-01637.pdf |
JAV-01606 | 2018 | dos Santos, E. B., Llambías, P. E. and Rendall, D. 2018. Male song diversity and its relation to breeding success in southern house wrens Troglodytes aedon chilensis. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01606 | jav-01606.pdf |
JAV-00757 | 2015 | Drury, J. P. and Burroughs, N. 2015. Nest shape explains variation in sexual dichromatism in New World blackbirds. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00757 | jav-00757.pdf |
JAV-02012 | 2019 | Dunn, R. E., Wanless, S., Green, J. A., Harris, M. P. and Daunt, F. 2019. Effects of body size, sex, parental care and moult strategies on auk diving behaviour outside the breeding season. – J. Avian Biol. 2019: e02012 | jav-02012.pdf |
JAV-01294 | 2017 | D’Alba, L., Carlsen, T. H., Ásgeirsson, Á., Shawkey, M. D. and Jónsson, J. E. 2017. Contributions of feather microstructure to eider down insulation properties. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01294 | jav-01294.pdf |
JAV-01892 | 2018 | Echeverría, V., Estades, C. F., Botero-Delgadillo, E., Wingfield, J. C. and González-Gómez, P. L. 2018. Pre-basic molt, feather quality, and modulation of the adrenocortical response to stress in two populations of rufous-collared sparrows Zonotrichia capensis. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01892 | jav-01892.pdf |
JAV-00839 | 2016 | Edme, A., Munclinger, P. and Krist, M. 2016. Female collared flycatchers choose neighbouring and older extra-pair partners from the pool of males around their nests. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00839 | jav-00839.pdf |
JAV-01455 | 2017 | Egunez, A., Zorrozua, N., Aldalur, A., Herrero, A. and Arizaga, J. 2017. Local use of landfills by a yellowlegged gull population suggests distance-dependent resource exploitation. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/ jav.01455 | jav-01455.pdf |
JAV-01374 | 2017 | Eichhorn, G., Bil, W. and Fox, J. W. 2017. Individuality in northern lapwing migration and its link to timing of breeding. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01374 | jav-01374.pdf |
JAV-01248 | 2017 | Engler, J. O., Stiels, D., Schidelko, K., Strubbe, D., Quillfeldt, P. and Brambilla, M. 2017. Avian SDMs: current state, challenges, and opportunities. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01248 | |
JAV-00996 | 2017 | Evens, R., Beenaerts, N., Witters, N. and Artois, T. 2017. Study on the foraging behaviour of the European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus reveals the need for a change in conservation strategy in Belgium. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00996 | jav-00996.pdf |
JAV-01633 | 2018 | Ferreira-Rodríguez, N. and Pardo, I. 2018. Biocontrol: the response of native oystercatchers to a non-native clam invasion. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01633 | |
JAV-01740 | 2018 | Firth, J. A., Verhelst, B. L., Crates, R. A., Garroway, C. J. and Sheldon, B. C. 2018. Spatial, temporal and individual-based differences in nest-site visits and subsequent reproductive success in wild great tits. – J. Avian Biol. 2018: e01740 | jav-01740.pdf |
JAV-01661 | 2018 | Fjeldså, J., Ohlson, J. I., Batalha-Filho, H., Ericson, P. G. P. and Irestedt, M. 2018. Rapid expansion and diversification into new niche space by fluvicoline flycatchers. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01661 | jav-01661.pdf |
JAV-02118 | 2019 | Fletcher, K., Träff, J. and Gustafsson, L. 2019. Importance of infection of haemosporidia blood parasites during different life history stages for long-term reproductive fitness of collared flycatchers. – J. Avian Biol. 2019: e02118 | jav-02118.pdf |
JAV-00491 | 2014 | Ford, R. G., Ainley, D. G., Lescroël, A., Lyver, P. O’B., Toniolo, V. and Ballard, G. 2014. Testing assumptions of central place foraging theory: a study of Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae in the Ross Sea. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00491 | jav-00491.pdf |
JAV-00128 | 2013 | Fort, J., Steen, H., Strøm, H., Tremblay, Y., Grønningsæter, E., Pettex, E., Porter, W. P. and Grémillet, D. 2013. Energetic consequences of contrasting winter migratory strategies in a sympatric Arctic seabird duet. – J. Avian Biol. 44: 255–262. | jav-00128.pdf |
JAV-01153 | 2016 | Fourcade, Y., Besnard, A. G. and Secondi, J. 2016. Evaluating interspecific niche overlaps in environmental and geographic spaces to assess the value of umbrella species. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01153 | jav-01153.pdf |
JAV-01273 | 2017 | Fournier, A. M. V., Drake, K. L. and Tozer, D. C. 2017. Using citizen science monitoring data in species distribution models to inform isotopic assignment of migratory connectivity in wetland birds. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.01273 | jav-01273.pdf |
JAB5785 | 2012 | Fox, A. D., King, R. and Owen, M. 2012. Wing moult and mass change in free-living mallard Anas platyrhynchos. – J. Avian Biol. 43: 001–008. | jab5785.pdf |
JAV-00441 | 2014 | Fraixedas, S., Lehikoinen, A. and Lindén, A. 2014. Impacts of climate and land-use change on wintering bird populations in Finland. – J. Avian Biol. doi: 10.1111/jav.00441 | jav-00441.pdf |